About Stijn

My name is Stijn Vermeeren (how to pronounce my name). I am 37 years old.

I am originally from Aarschot, Belgium. Since 2013, I live in Zürich, Switzerland.

Data Scientist and Software Engineer

Since July 2023, I work as Project Lead Data Science at the Federal Office of Topography swisstopo in Bern. Before that, from 2013 until 2022, I was Head of AI for Starmind in Zürich, Switzerland. My work involved data science (in particular natural language processing, recommender systems, full text search) and software engineering in Scala and Python.

I am currently on a sabbatical until April 2023, travelling Europe and Latin America.

You can view/download my CV as a PDF file.


I have a Bachelor in Mathematics from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, a Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics (Part III) from the University of Cambridge and a PhD in Mathematical Logic from the University of Leeds. On the mathematics page you can find more information on my research.

In 2005, I won a First Prize at the Vlaamse Wiskunde Olympiade and a Honourable Mention at the International Mathematical Olympiad in Mexico. I still enjoy different kinds of problem solving competitions such as IBM Ponder This and the NBV Kerstpuzzel.


Hiker and mountaineer

I was active in the Leeds University Union Hiking Club from 2009 to 2013. Since moving to Switzerland, I head into the Alps as often as possible. I like to do challenging alpine hikes and scambles, as well as via ferrata. I am also trying to get more experience in mountaineering and ski touring. I used to write detailed reports on Hikr for many of my hikes.

Go player

I have been studying and playing the board game of Go since 2010. After participating in my first official tournament in 2016, I'm now officially ranked as a 2 yku (EGF).

Profiles on the internet

Icons from Flaticon.